Guidelines for the use of images of laboratory animals

The purpose of the guidelines for the use of images (photos/video) of laboratory animals is to prevent laboratory animals from being exhibited in contexts which are not relevant for research.

The guidelines are to be followed by employees, PhD students and students who have access to the use of laboratory animals at Health at Aarhus University.

  • There must be a scientific reason for using the images
    Researchers, PhD students and students are allowed to use photos/videos of laboratory animals where this is required for scientific reasons. This can be e.g. in teaching material, the students’ reports, publications and applications to foundations. The students' use of images of laboratory animals for scientific purposes must be approved by the principal supervisor or group leader before the images can be used.
  • Storage
    After use, photos/videos of laboratory animals must be deleted from your work computer, telephone or tablet or transferred to a secure AU unit such as e.g. a shared drive. Photos/videos of laboratory animals must not be stored on your private computer, tablet or smartphone, and may not be shared on websites or social media. Social media is understood as including websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Messenger, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.
  • Student associations
    Student associations may use photos/videos of laboratory animals on their association sites provided that the images have an academic purpose and that these websites are in no way publicly accessible. The student associations must have authorisation from the head of the animal facility to use photos/videos of laboratory animals.
  • Media and the general public
    The department head and the head of the animal facilities - together with their communication partner - consider any requests from journalists and the media for access to images and recordings of laboratory animals when such requests are received.


Jakob le Fèvre Harslund

Head of Laboratory Animal Core Facility